Dr. med.univ. Sema Robl
married, 1 son
Professional career:
1999 |
Graduation from the University of Vienna with a doctor's degree |
2000-2003 |
Internships at Eggenburg Hospital, Vienna St. Elisabeth Hospital, Meidling Accident Hospital, Danube Hospital - SMZ East 2nd Med (oncology & hematology) | |
2003-2004 |
Assistant doctor - Department of Radiation Oncology, SMZ Hospital |
2004-2008 |
Specialist training 2nd Medical Department of the Danube Hospital - SMZ East (gastroenterology & hepatology and haemato-oncology) | |
2008 |
Diploma Specialist in Internal Medicine |
2008-2009 |
Specialist at the Vienna Danube Hospital - SMZ East |
2011 |
Diploma in Gastroenterology and Hepatology NRW Medical Association & Vienna Medical Association |
2010-2013 |
Senior physician at Kliniken Mariahilf Mönchengladbach, Germany |
10/2013 |
Medical Practice of Internal Medicine with focus on endoscopy |
01/2018 | Group Practice of Internal Medicine with focus endoscopy and cardiology - Dr Robl & Dr Sporn | |
02/2022 | iMed22 - group practice with 3rd partner Dr Ebrahim |
Additional training:
Diploma in Emergency Medicine and regular further training
Diploma in Nutritional Medicine of the Austrian Medical Association
Diploma of Continuing Medical Education from the Austrian Medical Association
Courses: endoscopic techniques, hemostasis, ablation of polyps
Continuous further trainings on national and international congresses
- Austrian Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- German Society of Internal Medicine
Languages: German, English, Turkish Raffael Sporn
Unmarried, 1 Son
Professional career:
2001 |
Graduation from the University of Vienna with a doctor's degree |
2002-2006 |
Interships at: Hopital of the Austrian Army, Herz-Jesu Hopital,Rudolf- Foundation | |
2006-2011 |
Assistant doctor-2nd Medical Depatment of the Rudolf-Foundation |
2011 |
Diploma Specialist in Internal Medicine |
2013 |
Diploma in Angiology |
2013-2017 |
Specialist at the Hitzing Hospital |
2015 |
Diploma in Cardiology |
2017 |
Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine |
01/2018 | Group Practice of Internal Medicine with focus endoscopy and cardiology - Dr Robl & Dr Sporn | |
02/2022 | iMed22 - group practice with 3rd partner Dr Ebrahim |
Additional Training:
- Diploma in Cardiac Ultrasound
- Diploma of Continuing Medical Education from the Austrian Medical Assoziation
- Courses: Pacemaker-Courses, Courese of invasiv electrophysiology
- Coutinuous further trainings on national and international Congresses
Languages: English, German Shady Ebrahim 
Married, 2 children
Professional carreer:
2009 |
Graduation from the University of Vienna with a doctor's degree |
2011-2014 |
Resident physician at the Baden-Mödling state hospital | |
2014-2019 |
Specialist training II. Med. at the State Clinic Mistelbach-Gänserndorf |
2019 |
Diploma Specialist in Internal Medicine |
2019-2021 |
Specialist at the State Hospital Mistelbach-Gänserndorf (gastroenterology, hepatology and oncology) |
2021 |
Diploma in Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
02/2022 | Partner in iMed22 Group Practice of Internal Medicine |
Additional training:
- Diploma in emergency medicine with regular further training
- Advanced training diploma from the Austrian ÄK
- Courses: endoscopic techniques, sonography and echogardiography course
- Ongoing training courses at national and international congresses
- Austrian Diabetes Society
- Austrian Society for Internal Medicine
Languages: German, English and Arabic Duygu Crawley
Married, one daughter
Professional career
2007-2008 | Research Assistant at the Department for Cardiology, AKH Vienna | |
2008 |
Graduation Medical University of Vienna with a doctor's degree |
2008-2009 |
General medical training at Group Practice Prof. Fitscha | |
2009-2012 |
Internships at Wels-Grieskirchen Hospital (Upper Austria), Rudolfstiftung hospital and Semmelweiss Clinic (Vienna) |
2012-2017 | Specialist training for internal medicine in the Second Department of Medicine, Rudolfstiftung (Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine) and the Emergency Department of AKH Vienna | |
2017 |
Diploma Specialist in Internal Medicine |
2018-2020 |
Senior Physician, Second Department of Medicine, Rudolfstiftung Hospital (Klinik Landstrasse) |
2020 |
Diploma in Cardiology |
04/2022 | Specialist Physician (Cardiology) in iMed22 Group Practice |
Additional qualifications
- Diploma in Psychosocial Medicine
- Diploma in Psychosomatic Medicine
- Diploma in Advanced Medical Education from the Austrian Medical Association
- Courses: Cardiac MRI at the Charité in Berlin, various Echocardiography, 24?hour ECG and cardiac pacemaker courses
- Regular participation in national and international congresses
- European Society of Cardiology
- Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
Languages: German, English, Turkish