An ECG (electrocardiography) is a test to measure the electrical signals that cause your heart to beat and record an electrocardiogram. Therefore a number of electrodes will be stuck onto your chest, arms and legs.
An ECG helps detecting
- Heart attacks
- Circulatory disorders of the heart
- Heart rhythm deviations
During an ergometry (exercise ECG) on a bicycle ergometer, blood pressure and heart rate under stress are recorded.
Ergometry helps detecting
- Coronary heart diseases
- Heart rhythm deviations
- Hypertension during stress
- Physical fitness
Examining procedure:
First, the physical performance target is calculated based on age, body size, and weight. Once the electrodes are positioned, a resting ECG is recorded and blood pressure is taken. Afterwards, you will be asked to exercise on the bicycle ergometer. You will start exercising at a slow pace. As the test goes on, the bike will become harder to pedal at regular intervals – until your maximum performance is reached. Your heart rate will be recorded continuously, and blood pressure will be taken regularly – also during the subsequent recovery phase.
Please wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes for your ergometry. Please bring a towel with you. You should have your last meal at least 2 hours before the test.
You can leave your clothing and valuables at the dressing room (lockers) and enjoy a refreshing shower after the examination.