Screening colonoscopy can prevent 90% of all cases of colon cancer
For colonoscopy, a flexible endoscope is inserted through the rectum, in order to examine the mucosa of the entire large intestine, and if necessary also the lower regions of the small intestine (Ileum). Patients usually receive a sedation injection to put them into a state of dormancy.
During the colonoscopy small samples of tissue (biopsies) can be taken painlessly from conspicuous areas of the mucosa, and proliferations of the mucosa (polyps) can be removed immediately using an electric sling. It is important to remove polyps, as they may be a preliminary stage of cancer or develop into cancer.
An enteroscopy should be carried out with symptoms such as
- Blood in the stool
- Anaemia and iron deficiency
- Unclear abdominal complaints
- Change of stool habits
- Chronic diarrhoea
- Unintended weight loss
- Positive family anamnesis: If any of your firstlevel relatives (parents or siblings) had colon cancer, you should have a colonoscopy about 10 years in advance to the age of your relative when the initial diagnosis was made.
A colonoscopy is a very important medical checkup that helps preventing the development of the frequently occurring colon cancer.
Preparing for a colonoscopy
- It’s indispensable to prepare the large intestine for this examination, which means your bowel has to be completely emptied. This has to be carried out according to the instructions you will receive in our medical practice.
- If you take blood-thinning medication (e.g. Marcoumar, ThromboASS, Plavix, Efient, Lovenox/Fragmin, etc.), this medication has to be stopped 7 days before the examination. Please clarify further details with your general physician.
- Diabetics should only inject the basic insulin (possibly a reduced amount) on the day of the examination.
- Bring current laboratory test results (not older than 4 weeks, blood count, blood coagulation values) and the results of any existing previous endoscopic examinations.
- Bring two bath towels for the colonoscopy examination, and a pair of socks for the recovery room.
- If you chose to have "gentle endoscopy with conscious sedation“, please bear in mind that you are not allowed to participate in traffic. Therefore it is inevitable you arrange for someone to drive you home after the examination.
- After the discharge from the outpatient examination, you don’t have to follow any dietary directions.
- If you can not keep the appointment for the examination, please call us not later than 4 days in advance. Please understand that without prior notice we have to charge a fee of € 150,-