Screening colonoscopy can prevent 90% of all cases of colon cancer

Gentle endoscopy
“Endoscopy” is a term derived from the Greek and means “to look indside”. At our medical practice we use modern devices to carry out gastroscopy, colonoscopy or rectoscopy.
Thanks to fibreglass optics with excellent resolution and staining methods, causes of existing complaints can be localised, and suspicious alterations in organs can be recognised at a sufficiently early stage to allow treatment. Carried out preventively on a regular basis, these examinations can help avoiding the risk of malignant diseases of the examined organs.
For gentle endoscopy, the patient receives conscious sedation. In the twilight sleep the examination is not consciously perceived. During the process pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation of the blood are continuously monitored. After the examination you will spend 1 to 2 hours in the recovery area. Afterwards you can leave the medcial practice (ideally with a person who accompanies you).
Important information on the endoscopy
Please carry out the preparation for the endoscopy according to the following instructions:
- If you take blood-thinning medication (e.g. ThromboASS, Plavix, Tiklid, Sintrom, etc.), this medication has to be stopped 7 days before the examination.
- Bring a report on blood coagulation values with you for the examination (not older than 4 weeks).
- Bring two bath towels for the colonoscopy examination, and a pair of socks for the recovery room.
- If you chose to have "gentle endoscopy with conscious sedation“, please bear in mind that you are not allowed to participate in traffic. Therefore it is inevitable you arrange for someone to drive you home after the examination.
- There are no dietary directions you have to follow after the discharge from the outpatient examination.
- We will arrange an appointment with you to discuss the results some days after the examination.
- The findings from tissue samples are usually available within a few days.
- If you can not keep the appointment for the examination, please give us written notice not later than 96 hours (4 work days) in advance. Please understand that without such prior notice we have to charge a fee of € 150,-